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.Since I wasn’t supposed to be listening, I let it go.“Okay.Well, if you don’t need me anymore I guess I’ll head out.I’m kind of tired.” The only thing I’d written in my notebook was ‘Uncle Joey’ but it was covered with little doodle marks.Still, I didn’t want Chris to see it, so I quickly ripped out the page, crumpled it up, and threw it in the garbage.Chris walked me to the elevator, and said he’d be home soon.I kissed him goodbye and left.It wasn’t until I got to the parking garage that I remembered I didn’t have a car.Or rather I did, but it wasn’t mine.It came to me all at once that Uncle Joey was sinking his claws into me just like he had with Mr.Hodges.Soon, he would own me, lock, stock and barrel.A sense of doom settled over me.How was I ever going to get out of this?I found the car by pressing the unlock button, and seeing which car started blinking.When I opened the door, I noticed the manila envelope on the front seat.Inside were detailed instructions of how to get to Uncle Joey’s office, what time I should arrive, and even the clothes I was to wear in a bag on the floor.Curious, I pulled them out.First came a short black skirt and black stockings, followed by a black v-neck sweater, and black leather boots.All in my size.Now how did he know that?I sighed, it must have been intuition that I got a black wig and black glasses…which I had left in the trunk of Chris’ car.Hopefully, he wouldn’t open it.I figured I could sneak them out later, and realized it was just one more thing I had to worry about.Driving home, I tried to come up with different scenarios that would get me out of working for Uncle Joey.Being on the inside, something was bound to happen.Although I wasn’t sure putting him in jail was good enough to keep my family and me safe.He seemed to have far-reaching friends.Maybe someone at the meeting tomorrow would be thinking about how he wanted to get rid of Uncle Joey, and I could help him out.I shuddered, wondering if that would be classified as murder.I couldn’t be involved in murdering someone, even if it was Uncle Joey.No, somehow, I had to turn the tables on him.I wasn’t sure how, but I would figure something out.It was the only way out of this mess.Chapter 6The next morning was rainy and gray.It suited my mood perfectly.The only thing good that happened was that I had lost five pounds because of all the stress.I think I’d rather have the pounds.I’d managed to get my wig and glasses out of Chris’ car the night before, and decided it was time to get ready for the meeting.Dressed in black, with the wig and glasses in place, I looked like one of those spies in the movies.I felt ridiculous and way out of my league, but what could I do?My back doorbell rang, and I froze as I heard it opening.“Hello?” my mother called.“It’s just me.Are you decent?”What was my mother doing here? “Just about,” I yelled.“Give me a minute and I’ll be right there.” I pulled the wig off and threw the glasses on the dresser.Then I whipped off the skirt, and pulled on a pair of jeans.Mom was coming down the hall when I came out of my bedroom.“Hi mom, what’s up?”“I just brought over some soup for your dinner tonight.”“It’s ten o’clock in the morning.”“I know, but I had some time.” From her thoughts, I knew she was really mad.“I just heard that you were nearly killed again from Gloria Lundskog down the street.She’s the one whose son is a policeman.She knew all about it.Why didn’t you tell me? It was so embarrassing that she knew about it, and I didn’t.” She paused for breath.“Are you all right? How’s your head? Did you get hurt? What happened?”I took a deep breath.“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry, especially since I’m fine.I didn’t get hurt or anything.”“Gloria told me that the robber who was chasing you got shot and killed.Right in front of you.She said you were lucky to be alive.Can’t you see why I’m upset?”“Yes.You’re right.I should have called.I don’t know what I was thinking, except that I probably wasn’t.I’m sorry, but everything’s fine now.In fact I was just leaving for a ten-thirty appointment.Can I call you when I get back?”“Why is your hair all plastered down against your head like that?” she asked.“Especially for an appointment.It looks funny.”My hands flew to my head.“Oh, I was thinking of wearing a hat so I didn’t fix my hair.” I needed to leave.Now.“Where are you going?”“I’m interviewing for a job at Thrasher Development.It’s just something part-time, to keep me from getting bored.Anyway, I’ll tell you all about it later.Okay?” I walked her to the door.“Oh, and I haven’t told Chris about this job yet, so please don’t say anything.I thought I’d wait until I decided if I wanted it before I told him.”She arched her eyebrow at me, wondering what I was lying about.How did she always know? “I’ve really got to go,” I begged.“Okay,” she grumbled.“Don’t forget to call me.”“I won’t.” I practically shoved her out the door, and ran back to my room.I quickly changed and pulled the wig back on my head, taking a minute to adjust it, then grabbed my glasses and boots.I’d have to put them on in the car.My heart was pounding by the time I got onto the freeway.I had fifteen minutes to get there, and it usually took twenty-five.My knuckles where white by the time I exited the freeway, and I practically had to peel my hands off the steering wheel at the first stoplight.But I’d made good time.I turned into the driveway of the parking garage right at ten-thirty and my heart fell.The door was shut.How was I supposed to get in? A car honked behind me, and I nearly jumped out of my skin.I let my foot off the brake and pulled in closer.Something on the car must have triggered the door, because it began to roll up.I took a good look in my rear-view mirror, and recognized Ramos.He had a puzzled look on his face, like he didn’t know it was me.I smiled, pleased that my disguise was working.I found a parking space and put on my boots and lipstick, then straightened my wig.I reached for the door when it suddenly opened, and I yelped.“Whoa, babe.It’s just me.” Ramos said.“Thought I’d help you out of your car since you were taking so long.” He pulled the door all the way open and smiled politely, then his smile got bigger.He was enjoying the view of my legs under the short skirt, so I hurriedly got out.Then I had to lean in to grab my purse [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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